Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Is this fake, or is this fake?
Imagine this...
If someone were to ask you, what are you currently majoring right now? Would you think twice before answering?
And..imagine you're a Miss World contestant, what if someone ask you 'Are you a Fashionista? How do you wear animal print? How would you answer? Look at this clip. Miss Singapore World contestant, Ris Low...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
PIXAR's Short Movie
I remember watching this when I was form6. I think this short film was the start of Pixar's project. This is funny.
This is a very interesting one.
I don't remember watching which movie that has this clip in it. This is funny.
UP Movie Review

Fashion DO? or Fashion DON'T?
See what he's wearing? Here's a close up...SEE? Its a long pants cum short pants. It's actually a long pants, but it don have the middle part(which is from the thigh til the knee) but it's connected via some connector thingy that has clips and hooks on has like a piece of cloth hanging from its back...something like that...hehe, sorry..i drew it myself...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Cool/Funny Clip
This is about a woman who couldn't have her shark fin soup...
This is a woman who misses her flight in Hong Kong
Farm Town

I told myself that I would never play any games on Facebook. Used to play Pet Society, but after that got bored with it. Now, Calvin introduce me to play with Farm Town. One thing bout me that you all must know, I'm not a game person. I don like to play games. I tried playing robot builders coz i see Alex and Mark busy building robots, so thought of trying it la...registered...then nothing happened...Now Farm Town...At 1st I got confuse between Farm Town and Farm Ville...but it's 2 different games...
So registered on Farm Town, played..not thing bout all this facebook games is that you'll get addicted to it...I even got a request from my cousin to be her neighbour...she kept pestering me...I don't see the whole point there...and I also dunno why..hmmm...
So, while I'm in the office working, i'm also working on my farm...haha..multi tasking...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Halleluyah Moment!!
OK...This morning, Flyfm was having this so called 'Miss Universe Pagi Show' and they have this crown for the winner that could answer the questions being asked, something like the final question session on beauty contest la, in conjunction with the Miss Universe. So, i jus tried calling la, but mana tau, Amrita picked up my phone and asked, 'Do you want to be Flyfm's Miss Universe Pagi Show?', and I was like..HELL YEAH!!!(I'm just excited that I got through la, can't even get through to win the Flyfm Wake Up Your Brain!!) I was expecting 'If you can change something in your past, what would it be and why?', but mana tau, my question was last year's Miss Universe question, the one that Dayana answered. So I followed her answer la...and finished it with a typical 'not bad wei' a 6/10 though...But too bad I din win.. :(
Oh well, am just happy that 'I WAS ON RADIO!!!'
That's something I have to cross out from my to-do-list-before-i-die. Haha...
Sigh..would be happy to be like that though...

Monday, August 24, 2009
The Bold and the Beautiful

Q : Right now there's a protest outside claiming that Miss Universe pageant disrespectful of women. Convinced them that they are wrong?
A : I think pageants...*took the mike from the host* (and OMG moment)...I think pageants, like the Miss Universe Pageant gives us young women a platform to foreign the fields that we want to, and forge ahead, be it entrepreneurship, be it the armforces, be it politics. It gives us a platform to voice our choices and opinions and makes us strong and independent that we are today.
Both background host...
A : I did hesitate bout the other girls but this women, I have to stand behind. When she took the mike from *some name*, she pulled in the audience with her beam
B: She knows...she knows she handled it so SO well...
Oh well, I guess the furthest Malaysia will ever go is 2nd runner up, and that is also Miss World. From what i can gather from this year's Miss Universe, these are a few of my thoughts, opinions, comments, etc :
1) What the hell happened to all the Indian Beauties? I think their forte is in Miss World, and not Universe. For Miss World, they've won 5 times.
2) I notice Miss France's, one of the top 15, her boobs kept bouncing. *nangga nanggas*
3) Malaysia will never ever stand a chance to win, unless her name is easy to pronounce. Eg. Compare pronouncing 'Lina Teoh' and 'Joannabelle Ng'? too tiring *sorry, i jus don like tat name*
4) Their evening gowns are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!
5) I always wonder how the judges judged the swimsuit round. I mean don't they deserve some credits for walking out with skimpy outfits, with pieces of clothes covering their private areas...isn't tat a HUGE CONFIDENCE?
6) they judge based on the size of their *nangga nanggas* (in this case, Malaysia DON'T stand a chance to EVER hard feelings girls)
"I am thin and gorgeous!!!Muahaha"
Can you feel the vain-ness people...
I had a dream
I dreamt that I was in a warehouse(dunno which warehouse), and there was this huge green snake. (Green snake like the pic, but the size of a python?)

Imagine the situation where you're trapped in this warehouse, trying to find your way out, then you were being frightened by the snake and you fell down, trying to stay away from the snake as far as possible, but the snake kept coming closer...and you kept moving backwards...that sort of thing??
But the snake doesn't look as though it was coming to attack me... But it jus came closer, and just look at me. Then the next thing I knew, that snake was fighting with another snake. Both snake curling and biting each other.

Other than that, nothing much happened during the weekend. Had a great quality time alone with myself. Wanted to go mamak or shisha, but as usual, no invitation for mamak session. So, went for Sg Long zone meeting where we elected the new BEC core team. Went cycling with Melia while then back home.
On Saturday, went for Jean's housewarming, then after that thought of going to church, but then decided to just stay at home and watch the movies that I have. Watched Departure, very nice Japanese show, which was awarded Best Foreign Film in 2008 by the Academy Award. Highly recommended.

Then did some exercise at home. My colleague pass to me this 2 vcds. 'Body Jam' and 'Body Combat'. I was wondering what's the whole hyped about this two exercise programme, so I decided to try it...and let me tell you, IT'S AWESOME!!!
I did both for 1 hour, and I sweat like hell..It's a exercise where it gives you a work out on your entire body, from your hand to your legs, to firming and toning your abs muscle and also the butt!!Maybe i should register myself to a gym and try it...Hmmm...
Body jam, is exercise + dance

Friday, August 21, 2009
Well, hopefully something comes up tonight(Ash, Mark...waiting your reply), at least I won't be at home. If not I have a few movies to catch up. So either way, I still have plans. They tomorrow will be Jean's housewarming. Will be there the whole afternoon..then am planning to drop by MidValley a while..just for some window shopping and maybe get myself another book to read.. am so bored on the train right now...Am thinking of clubbing too...hmmm...should I?
Sunday will have Leana's wedding prac and hopefully a game of volleyball...So looking forward for this weekend!! Yoohoo!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A 'tail' of 2 wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.
"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Man and Boy (Tony Parson)

I can really connect myself with this book. Strongly recommend you all to read it. Enjoy!
Monday blues ~
I managed to squeeze my way in, buy pity Ah Yim, she did not make it...AGAIN...sigh, what you need to do in this world, fight for a place...Anyway, it was so damn bloody pack that I was squished between a man, and a lady...and guess what, damn good position somemore you know...
My butt was literally touching the man's erm...crotch( and he's short, and the lady's hand in front of me was touching mine...I was...erm..speechless...and I think there were some movements behind me, if you know what I mean...

That's all~(Miranda Priesly in devil wear's Prada)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The trip back to hometown

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Short updates something new and unique about my hometown Segamat...DID YOU KNOW...there is a town in Segamat that has an apostrophe, " ' " in it? try pronouncing it...
It's actually pronounce as CHA*space*AH...Cool huh..Coming from Segamat itself, I din even find it unique until Lilian's friend commented on how unique Segamat is...I mean you HAVE heard of places like Batang Benar, Batang Berjuntai, whatever Batang there is...but a name like Cha'ah, with an apostrophe in it, it's like a name being given by the African tribe, like how Russell Peters use that name in his show... 'Billay
Oh Oh Oh...AND, I finally saw something today that I've been wanting to see FOR SUCH A LONG TIME!! WOW!! it was nice and beautiful..sigh..
Anyway, have a great weekend my wonderful readers...I'll see you all when i get back from Segamat(btw, the name Segamat was given by a royalty. While he was actually having a break by the river, he scoop up a handful of water from the river(thats when the river was clean and clear..not polluted la of coz) and started drinking it, and he let out a relax sigh...'Segar Amat air ini'..So that's how Segamat got it's name..Segar-Amat...SEGAMAT!!Cool huh!)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I VOW to lose weight
Yes. I was having this conversation with Dinesh one day and I found out that I'm slightly, teeny tiny bit over weight...ok people..stop rolling your eyes...I know you all say I'm fine la, i'm thin la...
- I'm going to watch my diet

Find means and ways to work out

- Cut down on fast food(been doing that since 3 weeks ago..Yoohoo)

- Cut down on rice intake...

- Eat more healthy food like vegetables and fruits

- Drink more water

So that I can become from THIS...


My Target!!!
By Christmas...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Random post
Man..I feel damn sleepy...feel like jus sleeping in this cold environment...Maybe I should go to the conference room and play PS...Hmm...

Was wondering, why do people change. One moment they're so close to you, then next, you're not even on their contact list. Or when this particular guy comes and chat with you facebook, next thing you know, he ignores you...that makes you wonder what did you do wrong. Or one moment this girl that you are close with, where you talk and share problems constantly, suddenly out of the sudden you don't talk due to either party being to caught up with other priorities or problems...What's causing all these changes? Are they any good to us?

Monday, August 10, 2009
The feeling of being lost

After reading that phrase, I started thinking, there's so many things out there that I always wanted to do in my life, but I just din have the chance to do it. The question here is...WHY?
So, I think I'll jus ask for God's guidance and hope he'll lead me...Coz now, I feel like this...

Sunday, August 9, 2009
8th August 2009

Alvin and Abigail...Congratulations!!May God continue to shower you with abundance blessings and love. May you continue to love and cherish each other. Great singing couple!!
ANYWAY, the dinner WAS suppose to start at 7.00pm la. Flora, Ash, Mark, Shaun and me were there even before 7. Daniel called up around 6.50pm asking for the location of the restaurant. Me thinking he was almost reaching or on the way...mana tau...'I'm still ironing my outfit' =.=". He can still take his own sweet time la..Allison say she'll join us after mass. So I actually told her we'll keep some food for her. Mana tau, Daniel arrived...Allison came at 8.10pm... AND THE FOOD IS STILL NOT SERVED!!! I was damn full adi, I think due to the gas inside and also being hungry too long..Mind you, the food only arrived at 8.45pm.. I mean it IS normal for wedding dinner to start late la..BUT NOT THIS LATE!! So while we were waiting for the food to arrive, Allison, Ash, Flora and me decided to cam whore la..since we have nothing to do.. You can view the pictures at my facebook at this link
Anyway, normal wedding dinner...slide shows...Abi and Alvin are a wonderful couple together. We know Abi since she joined our choir 1 year ago. She's a great singer. Alvin too...Heard him sang once or twice like that...BUT...great surprise..din know that he can sing really well..and DO PARTS TOO!!... After both Alvin and Abi made their speech, they both sang 'From This Moment' from Shania Twain and BackStreet Boys..and Alvin blend in with Abi's voice harmoniously...Don actually have the recording though..coz din get the chance to go in front and record it.. But I've included the original video clip. Will post the bridal couple's version IF i can get my hands on it..
Lots of laughter, lots of talks, lots of gossips, lots of story. great night spent...Anyway, here's the clip of 'From This Moment". Enjoy...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Happy Birthday ML

The Star that I am

Symbol: The Scales
Element: Air
Group: Intellectual
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Blue
Key Body Part: Kidneys (Oh man..that means no drinking??don care..we only live once)
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Dog
Ruling Planet: Venus (
Cross/Quality: Cardinal
House Ruled: Seventh
Opposite Sign: Aries
Lucky Gem: Sapphire
Period: Sep 23 - Oct 22
"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. (so true)Partnerships are very important (I repeat...VERY IMPORTANT) for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long! Hmmm...I wonder when will it be?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Story about Liquor/Beer...
'I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. '
~Frank Sinatra
'When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.'
'24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause pregnancy.
'Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.'
~ Benjamin Franklin
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard.
'Without question, the greatest invention in the
history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the
To some it's a six-pack, to me it's a Support Group. Salvation in a can!
And saving the best for last, as explained by Cliff Clavin,of Cheers.
-Back hurts
-Leg itchy (the blister that I got from skating, skin is growing...wah..the scratching is so nice)
-Kept checking my handphone...thought I over slept
-Kept thinking about ML
I know I shouldn't think so much about ML..But i cant stop thinking...sigh...Even though I know ML has someone in mind(or maybe not..I ex maybe)...GOSH!! Don think...don think!!
mumble mumble stop thinking mumble mumble stop thinking...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Short talk:
I know why ML's mood was bad this morning...and i know that I should not expect anything in return...Wishing U all the best...But you'll be in my heart...for now
Updates about ML
Short talk:
ML is in a bad mood this morning. Wish I could do sth...
talk to me....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Someone called ML
ML has been very busy, be it at work or after work. So, its so difficult to get ML. Only managed to talk to ML last week while I was at the office.
Been wanting to arrange a meet up with ML for a drink..but due to ML's tight schedule, still no avail... :(
Well, ML did say 'Sure, we will meet up 1 day..' the question is when?
So, let's just allow fate decide on when are we going to meet up.. I hope it's soon
I'll keep you posted...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Short talk:
Thanks to a personal friend of mine, Calvin, this is how my blog looks like right now...
I cant do it myself so i requested for some assistance...
Thanks Calvin...
What do you all think of the new look?
Funny Advertisements
A Nandos Advertisement...
Where were you looking??
A Mercedes advertisement...damn funny...
And this one is a Hyundai advertisement. Bout a wife having a toy boy, met her husband along the way...that has a secret of his own...
The day I injured my back...

Shaun received(Obviously that's not Shaun la...)

I jump for the ball... and SPIKE...BAM!! (Again..not me!!)

OK..Obviously that's not me la..But it's just a mental picture for you all to imagine how I'm walking right now...Occasionally with a little Ouch here and there...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
All alone on a Saturday night