Sunday, September 28, 2008

Introduction to PFM

Hey ya' back once again. This time, to update you on the company that I'm currently attached to...Peoplefirst Consulting. Its an international executive search firm, and its by far..the best place I've ever worked in...not to say i have tat much of a working experience, but then it is fun to work there. The people there are so friendly, nice, funny,energetic, full of surprises etc the place.

Our morning exercise...Qi Gong..This move is called 'beating ourselves'..

Well, basically, to tell you all what happened on Friday, it was FINALLY our renovation day..coz it has been postponed for few weeks already. So because of the renovation day, all of us are allowed to wear casual on that day...what a relief and so much freedom. Haha...It was a normal working day as usual, in the morning we start of with our morning exercise(Qi Gong) and work as usual until afternoon where we have to pack up our stuff and bring it all to the conference room and interview room...hence, all the rooms were packed with our computers, cpu, cupboards, boxes,plants..(ya..plants!!).
This is our conference room...before the havoc...

This is after..only manage to take this pics..coz was busy packing up stuff...

This is my desk..before the clear up...This is during the clear up of the entire office...

And this is after the clear up..thats my bag on my desk..well, now my ex-desk. Am not sitting there anymore..move to the one opposite..which is on the right side of the pic...

Hence after clearing up everything, it was about 5.00pm, we all left the office to Robson's Height, which is situated in Seputeh, for our company's activity, which I can say no other company has such an outing like ours..haha...I was in the games committee, along with my partners in crime, Adrian, Gummy and Norah. Among the games we playde were..of coz some good old ones like the Alphabet Game and Musical Back(choir members should know this one), Mad Relay, Rubber band and straw, Taboo, Battle of the Sexes(which i did not participate coz i had to go back early..(that is another blog).

So, while waiting for the arrival of other collegue and also the food and also to wait for the buka puasa time, we entertain ourselves with taboo. Our team rocks..more like Sarah rocks..the other team, props goes to Jean coz she played well too...

Us playing Taboo...Sandra, Gummy(covered by San) Hayden, Sarah, Jean, Charlene, Mich and Yip Wei..
That's them trying to form a word...
KITES...Anna, Jean, Mich, Yip Wei and..Daniel holding an S..At the beginning of the game, he shouted 'Anybody want's my 'S' come and get it!'haha..Shock to hear it esp from someone like him...

Below are some of the pictures taken during the games...

That's Shawnie ( my boss), Norah, Melanie and SannyClement, Jared, Daniel and LizaJay, Sherine, Anna and Yip Wei...

Liza, Charlene, Sandra, Darren and Lawrence...This is Mad Relay. Its like a relay, the 1st person will run to the chair and take out a piece of paper that has instruction or actions in it that the person itself must perform. So the person will read it out loud, and perform it. Here, You'll see Gummy writing her name using her hips..haha...Sandra and Lawrence reading out their actions...This 2 pics above is the cotton ball game. This is the rubber band and straw... And the pic below is Hayden Leong aka Ah Pak, doing his dance as a punishment...After all the games are played, we still have time for the 'newbies' to show to the rest of the company their vision board. I didn't had the chance to take pi[cture of my vision board, but anyway, the pics above is Norah, presenting her vision board. If you see closely, there's a figure of a lady running..and if you see closer, it has her(as in Norah) photo there...So all of us are suppose to share our vision with the entire company, and her's has to be the have that type of body..haha...such a cool collegue i have huh...

After the vision board presentation was time to makan. Food was delish...and after the makan-makan session..(of coz during the course of it, there were talks shall i put it..'slightly distruptive' conversation that involves 'what happens aft tonight..if you know what i mean..haha..)Then they brought out the cake to celebrate the September babies birthday, mainly, Melanie, Norah and yours truly...Thanks guys for such a wonderful company and fellowship. After cutting the cake, I left for practice for the next day's wedding, which i will blog when i have the time... This is 1 of our interview room, we call it the green why??? Nah..we were clearing up the office and I was helping with the plants, so i decided to put the plants into the green room to create the green house effect..hahaha..This is the COM team. That's Chris (making the funny face..according to Gummy, that IS Chris's face..) Sarah, Sandra, Melanie, Gummy and Jean.This is HIACE team, Liza, Jay, Sherine and Darren.

This is my buddy, Cat...
Thanks for reading then..the next post will be about Mamma Mia and Melvyn & Mellissa's wedding...Stay tune

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